Let me show you how a website looks in Chrome and Firefox with and without https…

Google have been making moves of the last couple years to make the internet more “secure” and reliable and the way to do this is to buy a SSL certificate ( which get user validated), install that on your website and turn your website into a “secure” website. (Check my blog posts 3 Reasons to convert sites to https & Chrome 68 say your “Not Secure” on this topic). Means ownership have been validated and traffic from & to the website is encrypted with the SSL certificate.
Websites that are secure start with https:// while unsecured websites start with http:// of just www. As shown above how it look in Chrome & Firefox.
Chrome (which is responsible for 60% of internet traffic during Sept 2018) is more direct and if your site in not https it simply labels your site as “Not Secure”.
Since Oct 2016 Google started to give preference to search results from secure websites ABOVE traffic from not secure websites. So this ALONE should be enough reason to make your site secure.
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