No Ma’m someone you pay R750pm (that does not have access to your website), is not doing SEO!
- It is not a retainer to get you #1 on search engines!
- It is not a service that can help you with your 5 pages static website!
- It can not be done (effectively) by not adding new pages!
- It can not be done by just moving text around on your website!

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the process by which you ensure that your website can be indexed by search engines and the steps you take to improve your search results for the keywords you have selected.

When you search for a keyword in a search engine (like the Google sample above), the search engine will give you an indication of how many documents were found with this keyword in it. In this case, the search for “SEO” has access to 667 000 000 documents. That combined with the logic the search engines use will try and bring you the MOST RELEVANT results for the keyword you have searched.
So searching from South Africa will give preference to the documents from South African, relevant to the area of relevant to documents normally search by people from the area.
BUT the focus is the KEYWORDS and if your selected keyword is “SEO” you are competing with 667 000 000 documents!
Your Website! Make sure that your website is indexed by search engines. To test open & search for “site:[]” With the I have 123 pages indexed (on 3 Jun 2019). That means Google can #1. FOLLOW MY NAVIGATION, #2 INDEX (Read) MY PAGES.
If you know how many pages you have on your site and the search engine does not show close to the same amount of pages, you will have to investigate when the pages were added & why the pages have not been indexed.
Now look at your results:

- Your page titles (text in purple) should be descriptive ( give an idea what is on the page), have a unique title for each page & if it includes one of your keywords, it’s even better!
- Your Page Url (text in green), is best to be short & descriptive, separate keywords with hyphens and having keywords in the URL is a plus
- Your page description (text in grey) should be a true reflection of what will be found on the page, should repeat the page’s primary keyword or phrase
The short version is: If they keywords that you target is NOT IN THE PAGE CONTENT, you not in the race!
Before you start working on a website decide what are your keywords going to be, repeat those keywords in proper structured good reading content & when you add or update a page FIRSTLY ask yourself what keyword and you going to target with this page & then start writing.
Try to use the keyword in:
- Page title
- Page Url ( page name)
- Page (Meta) description
- Page (meta) keywords
- Break your pages into headings, text, subheadings & text & try to use the keyword in headings & subheadings
- When you use images, add image tags/titles/descriptions that also repeat the keywords.
- MAKE SURE your text read, correct, structured in a way that would have made your language teacher proud.
- Use keywords stuffing ( endless repeat of keywords).
- Hide keywords with hidden text of text in the same colour as the background.
- Do not load keywords in page titles, meta keywords & meta descriptions if they do not appear on the page.
- Keywords in images are invisible to search engines, so lose the page & section headings in the nice fonts IN AN IMAGE…
- Rewriting pages for improving SEO is a one-time thing unless the content gets a lot better the time spend on rewriting pages can be better used in adding new pages.
- And moving content around on a page has no value
TEST! There are endless & free keyword analysis or keyword density tools on the internet. Pick a tool to best suit your needs & make sure how search engines will “see” your pages.  Make the changes & re-test, till you are happy with the results & then sit & wait for search engines to index your website and see how you compare to the 667 000 000 other pages that are also trying to be #1.
- Make sure that all your pages can be indexed.
- Make sure that every page targets a specific keyword or keyword phrase (rewrite and test to make that the page delivers on the keywords you have selected for that page)
- BUT nothing beats bring traffic like keyword targeted new content!
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